Saturday, June 7, 2008

Anticipation + Procrastination

Few of you are likely to be surprised by this news (since my blog-reading ranks will include almost exclusively family and friends), but I'm heading to Africa for the summer. Seven weeks in Tanzania and, if all goes according to plan, three weeks in the Congo. I am beyond excited...which is why I am now ignoring the half-revised thesis draft I've been brooding over for the past week and writing my first entry in this blog. As the title to this entry suggests, anticipation and procrastination make happy bedfellows....

I'll be posting here from time to time...trying to keep everyone updated on my experiences, thoughts, and epiphanies. (Well....I don't know if there will be any epiphanies, but it can't hurt to be optimistic, right? Especially if one of those epiphanies manifests itself as a rockin' dissertation proposal....) Come on by and read all about it when you get the whim...and drop me a comment while you're at it.

Less than two weeks and counting.....the next post will be from Tanzania.

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