Saturday, June 21, 2008

How do you know you're in Africa?

When you wake up, there's a monkey in the tree outside your bedroom. Life is good.

I'm here and all is well. I'll post more once I'm a bit more settled. Right now I'm going to go get some chai...


Jessica Krug said...

Whatever. That's totally happened to me in Madison.

I'm glad you made it safely. Keep the updates rolling. Your flashdrive is your friend.

Miss you.

Unknown said...

That's pretty cool. Did he see you and want to mate with you??? Because I know I would.

Love ya!

robs said...

Monkey's have no qualms w/ stealing underwear... with this in mind, be sure to close your windows or at least keep underwear (and other valuables) out of window reach (This particularly is an issue if you are leaving clothes to dry after washing!)

Sgt. Chuckles said...

Yahoo for Africa!!! Glad you made it safe. I'm excited to hear about your adventures. keep the bloggs coming private.
Love ya!

Unknown said...

Hey- I just wanted to tell you that I did read Pride and Prejudice, since you wouldn't tell me the ending, and I really liked it!