Monday, July 7, 2008


I cried myself to sleep because none of my friends or family care enough to leave me a message.......*tear*.....


Sgt. Chuckles said...

how rude of everyone to forget all about our globe trotting friend. i didn't even see the new bloggs until today. so no more crying..freakin' baby.
those are some scrumptulescent pictures you got. the one of the zebra is especially nice, soooo cute. i understand the tourist feeling, a little weird and hard to avoid, but it sounds like you are throwing yourself into actually meeting people beyond the tourist level and that's great.
i may have to take you up on that phone call sometime. what's the time difference there and what times are best to call? well i hope everyday is another amazing adventure for you and you are not missing me too much (because how could you not be missing me, i'm so cool). well have fun, stay safe, and keep me informed. smooches!

Nikki said...

At least Kara loves me....and I love you too, Kara. I've stopped crying now all because of you.

The time difference is 8 hours ahead, I believe. So the best times for you to call me would be between like 10 and midnight your time (which is early morning here) or anytime from 10am-5pm your time (which is 5pm-midnight here..if I did my math right). Most other times I will be in class or sleeping. It would be amazing to hear from you...or anyone else.

Jessica Krug said...

Am I a potted plant?

Nikki said...

Of course not....but your love came in the form of a private phone call. I need public love too.